Our vision for our country, is that we become known as a nation that leads way in valuing those living with developmental disabilities. Celebrating the gifts of those with Developmental Disabilities and creating opportunities for individuals to overcome their disabilities and thrive. We want Canada to be a nation where those living with disabilities have the opportunity to belong to communities and contribute in meaningful ways to society.

We believe this is possible, and in order to continue to work toward our realizing our vision we ask for your partnership. Our goal is to gain 150 new financial partners in the month of July. We are looking for 150 partners who will either become a monthly donor of a $10 a month (min) or make a one time gift of $150.


  • All Canada150 partners will receive 10% off all purchases from Restorationproject.ca.
  • Donations of $25 a month will receive a free set of raw coasters
  • Donations of $50 a month will receive a set of mosaic coasters.

Donate Monthly:

Support Levels

One Time Gift:
Amount: $150.00

Restoration Project is a federally registered nonprofit in Canada. We are currently working towards charitable status but cannot issue receipts until we receive this status. If received before Dec 31st receipts can be issued for all donations made in 2017

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